Some People Juggle Geese
Funny but true.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Little Lillian
Saturday afternoon was Little Lillian's baptism. Kim and Liam played the part of proud parents perfectly while Lillian's big brother Nick patted her leg through the proceedings to show that he approved of the whole deal.

Kim and Liam are kind of one of my fairy tale stories. When I met Kim, almost five years ago, she was young, unwed and about to be a mother. The baby's father was a loser nicknamed Toad, which apparently was fairly descriptive and meant that it was a good thing that he was out of the picture. Nick was born and seems to take after his maternal grandfather, in appearance at least.

Three years ago our friends had a New Year's Party. Kim was invited along, through Chnaners and Joey, and Liam was invited through Debbbbbie. The moment Kim and Liam met you could practically see the sparks in the air. He left his number on the whiteboard and she carefully copied it down. Six months later they were engaged, a year after that they were married. Liam adopted Nick shortly after that and another year brought Lillian.

Kim got rid of a Toad and married a Prince. Not to say that Liam is perfect, but Liam is perfect for her; they are a fantastic match and he's a wonderful father to both children.

A happy Chnaners plays with an anxious Lillian. I'm not sure why she looks so anxious, maybe it's stage fright.

Chnaners, Joey, Trish and Mama playing with Lillian.

Chnaners and Little Lillian with Paul’s hand for size perspective.

Paul and Lillian, which of course started all the remarks about us needing to start popping out babies.

I'm not sure what it is about the sight of newlyweds holding an infant that causes people's brains to turn off and their mouth to blurt out "You are newly married and therefore must reproduce post-haste!" (We got asked at our wedding when we were planning on having grandchildren! No that is not a typo.) Really, we are still trying to adjust to living together and being married (not to mention digging ourselves out of debt) without adding a whole new tiny but highly demanding person to the equation. Give us a few year to settle down and I promise, if biology agrees with our intentions, you will have adorable photos like the one above with a little Paren or Kaul Schaapsher.
Blogger Mel said...
"You are newly married and therefore must reproduce post-haste!"

Oh boy is that true. We have been getting comments like that forever, and we still have no babies and until recently people were still making comments like that. Apparently the magic number there is 45 (which is my current age) because finally this year people have suddenly stopped asking. About damn time.